With our society being so fast paced and our “Fast Food” culture of being available and fully connected 24 x 7, it is hard to slow down and enjoy the moment! Paseo is an amazing place to come for tranquility and relaxation! For additional help, join your likeminded neighbors for Meditation. Our resident teacher offers group classes as well as individual sessions.
The informative group classes are held in the Theater at the Paseo Village Center.
Classes are normally held Saturday 10:00AM – 11:00AM and cost $10.
Classes are currently suspended until September. Check the community calendar for current dates and times.
For more information email Member Services or call (239) 834-6300.
Or contact Eileen directly at nativeamhealing@gmail.com 732-600-8616 (phone or text).
Native American Healing LLC Meditation Class is held on Saturday mornings at 10AM in the Paseo Theater. It is intended to build spiritual community through meaningful lessons and conversations, breathing/relaxation exercises and guided visualizations/meditations. No experience is necessary. There is a $10 offering but with a sliding scale option to honor your financial needs. Class is offered year round but please consult the Paseo weekly news blast for the current schedule.
Energy Body Education and Clearings, Soul/Destiny Retrieval, Past Life Healing, Meditation, Energy Protections Individual Sessions – $125 initial consultation/90 minutes and $85 all follow up appointments/60 minutes.
Eileen D. Ellis is a full blooded Native American gifted energy healer and teacher. She has a Masters Degree in Social Work and has been trained by The Four Winds Society Inc. in Native American Energy/Spirit Medicine. Eileen has a private healing practice in Florida and New Jersey. She teaches mediation and energy management to all ages and levels of development. She is a retired public school administrator and is married with 3 daughters and 2 grandchildren. She and her husband happily reside full time in the Paseo community.